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 Apostle Kenneth B. White, Sr. is the son of the late Elder Willie White, Sr. and the late Elouise White.  He graduated from Colleton High School in Walterboro, South Carolina, and Beaufort Technical College in Beaufort, South Carolina.  He served in the United States Navy and was honorably discharged.  He was married to the late Prophetess Ida V. White and is blessed to have four children and two grandchildren.

Apostle White is the Founder/Overseer of New Covenant Fellowship Ministries in Green Pond, South Carolina where he was born and raised. (Can anything good come out of Green Pond?)  He received Jesus Christ as his Lord and Savior at a very early age.  After having turned away from the Lord for a season, he rededicated his life to Jesus Christ in 1985.  He studied and received principles of ministry under Dr. George D. Hamilton’s and Pastor Glenn Pinckney’s Ministries.  He became a member of Mt. Zion AME church, Goose Creek, South Carolina under the leadership of his father-in-law, Rev. Ned I. Edwards.   In this season of seeing visions and dreams, he realized God was calling him into the pastoral and teaching ministry.  He preached his trial sermon in 1990.  He pastored two AME churches from 1991 to 1997.  He received his theology training at the L.R. Nicholas Seminar in Charleston, South Carolina and continued his theological studies at the Gulf Coast Seminary in Orlando, Florida.  September 26, 1999 New Covenant Fellowship Ministries dedicated its church building to our God, Jesus Christ his son and the Holy Spirit.  Apostle White was commissioned July 19, 2005 by Chief Commissioner, Apostle Dennis Jacobs, Christ Centered Church, Fayetteville, North Carolina.  In 2006 he received an honorary Pastoral Doctorate degree from C.E. Graham Bible Seminary, Columbia, South Carolina. As Apostle and Overseer, he has dedicated his life to seek God’s face and hear from Him consistently, that he may anointedly feed the flock, whom he so loves, with knowledge and revelation from heaven.